Thursday, January 23, 2014

On Pudding and Booze

Many things in life are disappointing.
My first real letdown was the realization;
dogs cannot talk.
I was saddened by this fact, but I moved on
and still, once in a while, I try to catch one off guard
hoping it'll slip up and reveal the great canine secret.
Then, years later, I was a hopeful eleven-year-old
eagerly awaiting my Hogwarts acceptance letter.
Of course it never came, because I am a muggle,
I've accepted it, and I get by without magic
and I keep a wary eye out for wizardry.
Then one day I attempted love, and it bit me,
I was not deterred - at first.
This happened repeatedly and I came to learn
my third great disappointment;
Love is not all you need.
But never once in this life has a bowl of chocolate pudding
left me disappointed, hurt, or feeling empty,
and not yet has a bottle of wine failed to appear
when I needed it most. So I say from now to the end of days
I shall live my life not relying on fleeting dreams or flighty people,
but on the ever reliable pudding and booze.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Ka and I got a kick out of this one. chocolate pudding, gooood, wine, gooood, poem, loved it!
