Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fuck You

Your stupid face
for burning itself onto my eyelids
and stamping itself in permanent ink on everything I ever saw you touch.

Your flashy-ass car
that electric shade of blue that pulls my heart out
through my shirt every time it flits past the corner of my eye.

Your fucking house
that I still drive to when I put myself on autopilot
because being there was the closest I’ve felt to being home in years.

Your calloused hands
I still feel on the sides of my face,
pulling me in to kiss the ghosts of your lips.

The odor of you after work,
all oil, and mud, and Irish Spring
whipping my butterflies into a desperate frenzy.

For reminding me how to love
just as the one foot you kept out the door froze over.

For giving her everything I never had the balls to ask for.

For being someone I couldn't hate if I tried.

For giving me memories I'll never regret.



fuck you...

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