Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bad Girl's World

never let them turn you sour
read any book that draws you in
listen to any song that moves you
and remember the awful things they say
are their demons coming out to play,
don't let them become yours too.
Know that love
is your sword,
and your sheild.
Know that kindness breaks walls,
and patience moves mountains,
and if you ever find yourself falling short

look to your mother,
whose kindess has been mistaken for weakness,
whose patience has been mistaken for surrender,
whose still tongue has been mistaken for a quiet mind,
who shed her armor years ago,
and walks the battlefield naked,
whose skin is stronger where its scarred
and know

it takes bravery to be bare.

You don't have to go bad to beat them,
the world is full of bad girls,
be more,
be rare,
be good.

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