Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Treats and poison

I needed you in the beginning,
your smile like a brand-new butcher knife
with words that cut
I didn't know how badly I was bleeding until I had time to heal.
You tried to to dice me into bite sized pieces
so that you could consume me
to keep your own soul from starving.
When I didn't need you anymore,
and could love wholly and freely,
your meal was over,
you left the table,
and me to clean up the mess.
I'm still cleaning.

I love you still
though forbidden fruit you were,
you were enticing, intoxicating,
and you grew from a tree
who's branches I still love to climb.
You were my favorite flavor I never got to taste.

I loved you, in the end
your quiet strength that left room for my whole self
and you loved all of it.
It was when I needed you that you fled the scene
leaving my love maimed and bleeding out.
Who knew such short time
could leave such lasting scars.

I think I could love you
easily, if I wasn't holding back
seeing your poisonous shell,
dreaming that I could be the one to crack it
and taste the sweet nectar of your soul.
I'm kidding myself.
Even if I wasn't allergic to you
you keep yourself at a distance
spitting thorns at those who draw to close.
It doesn't even slow my step,
but I dare not reach out to touch,
because I know I can get so thoroughly addicted to love
and I have been broken before.

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