Sunday, October 15, 2017

One of Many

I do not buy into the idea that there is
for everyone.

I believe that very first girl
the melodramatic, captivating little diva next door,
who's living room my overly adventurous little sister
climbed into uninvited,
who became my very first
best friend
was my soulmate
and I hers.

I believe the crazy little blonde tomboy
in my kindergarten class
who's backyard served as a blank book
in which stories of our adventures would be immortalized
in the dirt, and the trees
who I've grown apart from
and will always feel a part of
was my soulmate
and I hers.

I believe the beautiful,
deceptively quiet woman
who was once the girl in my drama class
with the cool shoes
with whom I would grow from girl to womanhood
our friendship immune to time and silence
is my soulmate
and I hers.

I believe the boy who loved me, truly
but in all the wrong ways
and taught me that I had to love and respect myself first
so I could recognize toxicity when it told me what not to eat
who learned how to love, through losing mine
was my soulmate
and I his.

I believe the man in the armor
the big brother I never wanted,
who's darkness makes mine brighter
who never has to speak to be understood in my presence
may be my soulmate
and I his.

I believe when I meet
"the one"
he will be one of many
and that fact will not diminish the truth
or the joy
that he will be my soulmate
and I his.

Some are old, and dormant,
but never forgotten.
Some are lifelong, and reliable
and certain.
Some are new,
and unpredictable.
Some, have yet to be discovered.

I believe there are many people
who's paths we are meant to cross
people we've known from past lives
souls born from the same stars;

all of whom are right for you
even when they're wrong,

all of whom become you
even when they're gone.

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