Friday, November 20, 2015

This Castle

So much time
blood and tears
and love
dedicated to constructing this castle,
this fortress,
it's walls are thick
and high
but it's doors are open
and it's beautiful inside.

Many have been invited to stay
and each who's left
has a room awaiting them,
should ever they need shelter
I offer my fortress as a home.

So much time and effort
trying to figure out why so few choose to remain,
citizens in my queensland,
people pass through,
many pass by,
the doors are open
most have used them for leaving.

If I knew why my halls remain empty,
what repairs are needed,
how to make it even more hospitable,
in a heartbeat I'd change it all,
but every time I renovate,
I lose more than I gain.

I fear my walls may thicken,
my castle crumble into ruin,
and my doors close forever,
before ever experiencing the feasts they were built to host.

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