Sunday, February 9, 2014


There are days now and then
when I miss being alive.
There are days when I think
how good it might feel to cry.
I don’t of course,
I won’t allow such a display of weakness.
I won’t kneel to the tyrannical human emotions
I overthrew so long ago.
Besides, if I let a few drops through
who knows what ocean lies behind
my great dam fortified with apathy
and repressed anger.
If the floodgates were allowed to leak,
what’s to keep them from bursting?
No, safer to keep a layer of frost
between myself and the angry warmth of feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Water will always find a way through. Its a law of physics, its the universal solvent. Let it go where it will. You'll be better for it in the end.
