Saturday, February 22, 2014

Do It Again

Given the choice,
I would do it all again.

There are scars that will last forever
and wounds that may never heal,
I've cried rivers that downed bridges
and set fire to the ruins,

but these eyes still shine
at the thought of new love.

I would do it all again,
with all the same gusto
and caution in the wind,
because love is an all or nothing event,
and I can't wait to do it again.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Simple Sweets

I crave simple sweets,
that don't leave dissatisfaction,
but comfort and hug the tongue.
The best sweets do not leave
your tastebuds feeling inadequate
or overwhelmed.
I had simple sweets,
delightful and delicious
but with too much enthusiasm,
I indulged in them,
lost myself in them,
and then they were gone
leaving me sick to my stomach
and still hungry.
Such is the tragedy
of food and love.

Thankfully I'm not a Cat

My curiosity likes to fuck with me.
Like today when I saw a mushy green mystery
curiosity convinced me I had to sniff it,
you know,
to figure out what it was.
I thought to myself
"I'm going to regret this"
as I lifted the blob towards my nostril.
I was right
and further
I still have no idea what it was.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hey There

Hey you (me)
it's me (you) again,

long time no talk,

you've been doing it again.

You're editing opinions
to fit your audience,
telling versions of stories
to each who asks or listens,

remember we said
we wouldn't do that again,

'cause next thing we know
we'll be lying again.

Remember who we want to be,
authentic, ourselves

stop editing your thoughts
stop compromising honesty
just to keep our psyche safe
from those who would walk away

who will walk will walk,

and our sanity's gone anyway.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


There are days now and then
when I miss being alive.
There are days when I think
how good it might feel to cry.
I don’t of course,
I won’t allow such a display of weakness.
I won’t kneel to the tyrannical human emotions
I overthrew so long ago.
Besides, if I let a few drops through
who knows what ocean lies behind
my great dam fortified with apathy
and repressed anger.
If the floodgates were allowed to leak,
what’s to keep them from bursting?
No, safer to keep a layer of frost
between myself and the angry warmth of feeling.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dearest Honey, Jack

Oh Honey Jack,
I thought we were friends!
But now I see
you're out for revenge.
I slighted your brother,
the bitter devil,
and now you've come
to make the playing field level.
You've gone too far
my sweet old friend
thus our union soon
might end.
Though I can't see how I can quit you
when simply put,
I just get you,
and you understand me, Honey Jack!
I just want my old friend back,
the one who doesn't turn my stomach
the one who wants me
at my best,
the one I like above the rest.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Comfortable Cliche

I'd rather have you as a friend
than not have you at all.
It's a comfortable cliche,
one I'll repeat to myself
until the day I find someone else,
or you change your mind,
whichever comes first.
I'm not too good to admit
I'm pulling for option two,
and I dream of days past
when I belonged to you.