Saturday, March 31, 2018

Save Puff

I have been a witch
on a grand adventure

I have been a queen
fighting for her people

I have vaulted over rivers
and molten lava

I have been a tigress
solitary and powerful

I have been a wolf
my strength in the pack behind me

I have slain wicked men
and rescued many a friend

I have raised dragons,
and ridden unicorns into battle

I led revolutions,
I conquered evil
I traveled in and out of time

now painted wings and giants' rings
made way for taxes and soy

if this is growing up...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Orange Groves

I went for a walk;

like stepping on home base
knowing you're safe

as soon as my foot hit the block
I felt it.

There was where I crashed my bike
and didn't even cry
and got one of my favorite scars

There's the house of that neighbor boy
I remember his front door
I wonder how he's turned out.

And there, my first friend lived there
I remember how it smelled
and her abuelita's smile

We all swore that house was haunted
but it had the best shade tree

I grew into a mighty pine in the mountains
but my roots are here in the orange groves.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


ceding from an argument
before your blood pressure spikes
and you have an anyeurism
is not losing
it is self care

but try telling that to my pride

Friday, March 23, 2018


My art
is as effortless as bleeding

like wounds
gushing into blank space

someone might have noticed
I only paint in red

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Thought Narcissists Were Supposed to Love Themselves

I've been so busy pointing fingers
I didn't notice the blood on my hands
from the knife I thought I put down
years ago,

I know now
all these scars
are self-inflicted,

and yet,
I can't seem to stop jumping
into piles of barbed wire
and begging for help getting back out

cause when you're all you can see
I guess you have nothing better to do
than bleed.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I watch,
standing in the shadow
of this beam of garish light

I am
comfortable here
and knowing
the light has a dark side too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Do you remember?

so hard you thought
for a moment
your lungs may collapse
and you lost all control
of the animalistic sounds
and the tears streaming down your face
as your abs and your cheeks grew tired...

I remember
like a dream

it's been a while since I've laughed like that...
tell me how to go back.