Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Rain Dance

In a winter storm
everything looks so

even the sun
can't help but take a peek,
and watch the droplets sparkle.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Tap Out

it isn't fair.

all I've ever asked for
is quiet
dim lighting
simple flavors
a couple good friends
maybe something of a family

the only thing
I've ever wanted
is peace

but every day
(surrounded by garrish noise,
all these colors crammed together,
all this bitter, scalding shit I'm forced to swallow,
all these people I'm supposed to want to impress,
everything adding up to an audience,
betting against me,
waiting for me to tap out)
I wake up fighting.

I am not a fighter
I am tired
and it isn't fair

tapping out...
I am no coward,
and I know a few people
who bet on me

I fight.

Friday, January 5, 2018


I need a pill
to silence the voices
and help my heart beat steady
and let my mind race only against itself
instead of the whole world
maybe there would be
peace in my mind
for the first time
if I took a pill.

I take the pill
and my heartbeat becomes curcuitry
and these words that flow
from my veins to the page
lay still
and I forget how the sunlight feels
on my skin after stepping
out of the darkness
I've come to respect...

I need a pill...
but there's a chance
that this heart
falls silent

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


the smile is real
the laugh isn't forced,

but maybe that laughter
is in the only thing
keeping the
at bay,

the smile
is all she has.