Saturday, December 31, 2016

Fuck resolutions,

here is the truth;

This past year was no shittier than the one before,
this next year will be no better.

This year is not your year.

Today is not your day.

This year, this month, this lunar cycle
this day
is in no way different from the last
or the next

No great change has occurred
because our species decided long ago to measure time.

This year means nothing...

time is irrelevant;
don't wait for the hour to pass,
or the sun to set,
or the ball to drop.

If you want something new,
if you need change

now is the only time that matters.

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Like perfect recordings

allowing me to replay

shadows of pain;
in disguise

running my fingers
damaged skin

I play it again.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


biting my tongue so hard
I could use the blood as ink
for my hovering pen
that can't touch the page
for fear of the honesty,
the truth it may spell,
like the blood that spills
from my mouth
for the sake of silence