Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Difference

name calling
eye rolling

soft blankets
warm bodies


the only difference
is the touching.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The room is quiet

we are
in each other

legs around your waist,
sitting in your lap
with your head against my chest
holding you
like I'm holding you together

in reality your presence
this embrace
is patching me up
washing the infection from my wounds
I'm taking care of me
by taking care of you

we are
and still


Thursday, October 13, 2016


When I get into a pool

I don't wade
the adjustment is too long
I don't have the patience

I like to get a running start
take a deep breath
close my eyes

and dive


there's a shock
a splash
a sharp inhale

and finally
a smile

summer is no time for fear or apprehension
or allowing the threat of cold to put a stop to adventure.

Myself and I

I enjoy being alone with myself,
I savor my time with her;

I run my fingers along her soft skin
feeling each bump, each hair
each beautiful imperfection;
I like to feel the skin grow taut at the touch
or a cool breeze...

I play with her hair.

I listen to the sounds of her breath
her heartbeat;
her heart...

(I don't worry what my chin looks like
or how my belly moves)

I revel in the warmth of her body
it's gentle curves...

I touch her lips...

I love her
when we are alone.

I feel

One day I hope;
I may be alone with myself
in the presence of another
(to be alone without 
the cold sting
of loneliness)

One day I may share my truth;

In that peace
I will be home

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hot Mess

When I say someone is, 
when I say I feel like 
a "hot mess" 
I do not mean attractive 
and a bit disheveled, 

I mean they are the smoldering remains 
of what was once a warm hearth that ran too hot 
and was destroyed by its own glorious passion, 

I mean if you have any flammable parts you should not stand too close 
or you may ignite.

However I think, 
with the right amount of heat, 
and the right amount of patience, 
any mess can be restored.