Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I cannot see the stars

I cannot see the stars.
Smog holds me in a cage
so close to the ground I can't
stand. So heavy is the air
I cannot breathe. So far
from here is the sky, I can't seem
to see or think with any
connectivity. Stifled. A
flame choked.
Keep the fire stoked or
it dies. I cannot see the stars.
Tonight my dreams are

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Edispu nwod

because I cannot fly.
Alas, I could never swim,
pool I could dive into.
it was a giant swimming
the sky. I would imagine
monkey bars, and stare at
I liked to hang from the
of when I was a child,
down. I was thinking today
brain. This poem is upside
understanding, retrain your
If you are having trouble.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

O Shakespeare!

O Shakespeare! Where gone is the poetry?
Those words which call mine eyes to open
and my heart to throb with emotion?
Where gone is the meter which pulls us
deeper into every night and day and makes us sing?
O Shakespeare! Knight to my day and moon in my sky
where gone is the rhyme which pulls from these eyes
rivers wept from such deep trenches of pure
human experience?
O Shakespeare! Come to me in my dreams and teach me
how to make such poetry loved by so many like me.
Centuries and more of adoration of your words!
Give me your gift and your strength for I am yours
to speak through! Let me be your long quieted voice and
I will sing your meter with such a passion that you,
O Shakespeare, will be made proud.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heart and Soul

The beat of the bass
in the car on the way
home, it keeps my heart in pace,
and helps me make it through the day.
My heart is in the music.

The stars above, they call me
from their faraway graves.
Something out there wants me to be
making bigger waves.
My soul is in the stars.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Mountain

I cannot see my mountain
from where I live, but
I can feel it. Its gravity pulls me,
its winds call, and I answer.
The road to my mountain is long,
but with no one ahead,
no one behind. I swear
I can fly.
The top of my mountain is high,
but there, at the top,
my feet on the ground,
my head in the clouds,
I belong.
The trees on my mountain are weathered
from the winds and fires of the past,
but they are the strongest trees
I've ever seen.
They watch over me.
The nights on my mountain are quiet,
but I can hear the darkness whisper
to me, "Welcome home"
and I know I'm not alone.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Concernant l'Amour

J'attends l'amour
because if I search,
I may be disappointed.
Je chasse pour l'amour
because if it escapes
it was never mine.
J'ai perdu l'amour
because I was afraid
to let it go.
J'ai attendu la mort
I accepted my failure
as a lover.
Reconstituée est mon coeur
new love found me,
and gave me hope.
J'ai encore peur de l'amour
and its powers to break me,
so I cling too hard, and it squirms...