Monday, January 21, 2019

Big Feelings

I ask the children
when they are feeling
feelings that don't fit in their little bodies
"Do you need a hug?"

Maybe I need someone to squeeze this infection out of me,
this tension softly rubbed from my back,
this hole in my chest pressed closed...
Maybe I need this broken body embraced
by someone who cares about the peices falling away

As silly as it may sound...
I think I need a hug

Friday, November 2, 2018

Do You Have Kids?

I am not a mother

I guide as they explore their world,
through sand castles and spider webs,
flowers and mud pies.
I remind them of their manners
help them learn how to be kind.
I eat when they eat,
sit and stand by their side,
lead story time and sing our songs,
celebrate with high-fives.
I heal owies with kisses,
clean their noses, dry their eyes,
give hugs be they excited or sad,
and show them love whenever I can...

I am not a mother.
In the evening they go home
and I return to mine.
Someday they'll move on
and leave me well behind.
Most will not remember
the joy that filled our days,
but in my mind forever
will shine each smiling face,
because though I'm not a mother
these children,
they are mine.